Our Vision

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Picture Credit : Kanika Nadkarni

Nrityanidhi Vision

“A world that is joyful, peaceful and loving. Earth that is lush, serene and vibrant. Art has the power to make that happen”

On the path of artistic pursuit, one learns life lessons that are inspiring. At Nrityanidhi, we tap into the depth of art where the real treasure is hidden. As I learn to move more gracefully, I learn to accept who I am. Thus, when Nrityanidhi performs on stage, there is movement of the Spirit and that energy creates a movement in an audience. We have all had moments of total bliss. Probably when we were on vacation, or when we held someone’s hand for the very first time. Nrityanidhi strives to create that moment of bliss through dance and music. As an institution and as a dance troupe, we choose happiness and hope that our choice can impact the whole world.

Picture Credit : Kanika Nadkarni

Picture Credit : Kanika Nadkarni